Funding raising for RLSS UK
We are fund raising to help the very worthwhile effort of the Royal Life Saving Society UK to fund their program of UK Drowning prevention and indirectly therefore their commonwealth effort to reduce drowning in other countries. We have set an ambitious target of raising £1,200 hopefully in time we can better that. Based in Worcester this is a small niche charity but one which has exciting plans to grow and expand over the next 10 years.
The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) is the Drowning Prevention Charity and are the UK’s leading provider of water safety and drowning prevention education.
Over 700 people drown in the UK and Ireland every year and many more suffer injury, some life-changing, through non-fatal experiences. More people die from drowning in the UK and Ireland than from domestic fires or cycling accidents.
They have a huge challenge facing them to help save lives and reduce the number of UK and Irish citizens drowning.
The RLSS UK we have an impressive heritage. RLSS UK have built up years of experience and are proud to boast a strong force of loyal members and volunteers who work with them to promote water safety and educate in lifesavingskills. Their roots were established back in 1891 as the Life Saving Society, and in the early 1900s, with support from the Royal family, they were granted permission to adopt the ‘Royal’ to our title a badge that they are immensely proud of today.
They have used their extensive knowledge of water safety and training to develop a comprehensive range of vocational qualifications and a series of awards and programmes which have the ultimate aim of preventing drowning and stopping unnecessary loss of life – including the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ), the premier lifeguard training programme.
RLSS UK's core purpose is to prevent drowning and we want to deliver a year-on-year reduction in the rate of British and Irish citizens drowning through the identification of seven challenging ambitions which we intend to focus our attentions on, having the maximum impact possible on these facets of the work we undertake.
They have a lower profile than really ought to be the case, as they have been around for more than 100 years. We are running a gofundme campaign and ask that you contribute even £1 to help this worthwhile cause.
Bio - Adrian is the CEO of Reporting Accounts, we works as a portfolio FD/CFO including one day per week with us, and contributes to many publications around the internet including Amazon S3