J & H JOHNSTON CONSULT LIMITED are an established Private Limited Company who've traded for 8 years. Their business is in the Management consultancy activities other than financial management sector, the SIC for which is 70229. Their registered office is located in the 11-13 HANOVER STREET area of LIVERPOOL.
Their legal country of registration is United Kingdom. Private Limited Companys are required to file accounts on a regular basis and their last set of accounts was made up until 31/05/2021.
J & H JOHNSTON CONSULT LIMITED are next due to file for year 2025 by the 28/02/2023
Their status at Companies House is Active which means they are likely to be trading. Their unique company number is 10794738. Their legal form is a Private Limited Company
Accounts | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |
Cash | £19,437 | £27,086 | £38,833 | £30,358 | £0 |
Net Worth | £8,172 | £4,031 | £22,684 | £18,550 | £0 |
Current Assets | £19,437 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 |
Current Liabilities | £12,586 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 |
Number of Employees | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
12-03-2025 |
Cash has reduced from 2020 by -28.24%, the ratio of cash to net worth is 237.85% which indicates a strong cash position.
Net worth has changed by £4,142 which is an increase of 102.78% from 2020
The quick ratio of current assets to current liabilities at 1.54 represents a Reasonable asset position, always consider the absolute level of cash at £19,437 when looking at this ratio
The number of employees has remained unchanged by 0 since 2020
Cash has reduced from 2019 by -30.25%, the ratio of cash to net worth is 671.94% which indicates a strong cash position..
Net worth has changed by £-18,653 which is a reduction of -82.23% from 2020
The quick ratio of current assets to current liabilities at nan represents a Dependence on creditors, always consider the absolute level of cash at £27,086 when looking at this ratio
The number of employees has remained unchanged by 0 since 2019
Cash has increased from 2018 by 27.92%, the ratio of cash to net worth is 171.19% which indicates a strong cash position..
Net worth has changed by £4,134 which is a increase of 22.29% from 2020
The quick ratio of current assets to current liabilities at nan represents a Dependence on creditors, always consider the absolute level of cash at £38,833 when looking at this ratio
The number of employees has remained unchanged by 0 since 2019
Name | Role | Date of Birth | Appointed | Resigned |
is the longest serving director having been a member of the board of J & H JOHNSTON CONSULT LIMITED for 0 years
Entry Name | Office Address | Incorporation Date |
Entry Name | Office Address | Incorporation Date |
Type | Created | Registered | Personnel Entitled | Status |
Company number 10794738 overview of filed records at companies house for J & H JOHNSTON CONSULT LIMITED brought to you free by Reporting Accounts
There are no related companies
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