24/7 SUPPORT SERVICES LTD are an established Private Limited Company . They've been in business for 5 years. They operate in the Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c. sector, the SIC for which is 88990. Their registered office is located in the WATERLOO ROAD area of WOLVERHAMPTON.
Their legal country of registration is United Kingdom. Private Limited Companys are required to file accounts on a regular basis and their last set of accounts was made up until 31/01/2021.
24/7 SUPPORT SERVICES LTD are next due to file for year 2024 by the 31/10/2022
Their status at Companies House is Active which means they are likely to be trading. Their unique company number is 11776796. Their corporate structure is that of a Private Limited Company
Accounts | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |
Cash | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 |
Net Worth | £(259) | £(259) | £0 | £0 | £0 |
Current Assets | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 |
Current Liabilities | £257 | £0 | £0 | £0 | £0 |
Number of Employees | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
23-12-2024 |