A B C NEWS INTERCONTINENTAL, INC are a long established Other company type which has been trading for 32 years. Their business is in the upplied sector, the SIC for which is None. Their registered office is situated in the NEW YORK area of NY 10023-6298.
Their legal country of registration is UNITED STATES. Other company types are required to file accounts on an annual basis and their last set of accounts was made up until 30/09/2017.
A B C NEWS INTERCONTINENTAL, INC are next due to file for year 2025 by the
Their status at Companies House is Active which means they are most likely to be trading. Their unique company number is FC007880. Their legal form is a Other company type
Name | Role | Date of Birth | Appointed | Resigned |
is the longest serving director having been a member of the board of A B C NEWS INTERCONTINENTAL, INC for 0 years
Entry Name | Office Address | Incorporation Date |
"20-20 VOICE" CANCER | , , , , . | 17/04/2014 |
Entry Name | Office Address | Incorporation Date |
Type | Created | Registered | Personnel Entitled | Status |
Company number FC007880 overview of filed records at companies house for A B C NEWS INTERCONTINENTAL, INC brought to you free by Reporting Accounts
There are no related companies
Name / Statement | Kind / Nature of Control / Details |